Sushi rolls may be delicious and relatively low in calories, but they do have some unhealthy aspects. Follow these tips to make your next sushi plate as healthy as possible.


One sure-fire way to increase the health benefits of your sushi meal is to include more veggies. You can include just about any vegetable, whether carrots or cucumbers, not to mention avocados (although these are technically fruits).

Vegetables contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other vital nutrients. Ideally, the more vegetables you include in your sushi plate, the less space you’ll have left for fried tempura and other fattening side dishes.

Brown Rice

Make sure to use brown rice instead of white, if possible. The former is tastier and is packed with more nutrients – you’re no doubt familiar with the phrase ‘You can never get enough of fibre.’

Brown rice has tons of fibre, which goes a long way towards helping with digestion.

Have you ever wondered why diabetics, along with others who suffer from lifestyle ailments, choose brown foodstuffs over their white counterparts? It’s because of the myriad of health benefits that come with eating brown foods.

Brown foods tend to contain less sugar and are generally packed with more nutrients.


Every bite of your sushi roll should be nutrient-dense. Therefore, be sure to use fish that contain lots of nutrients, especially Omega-3 fatty acids and other unsaturated fats.

Salmon in particular contain lots of Omega-3s, in addition to plenty of protein. Tuna is also an excellent alternative, and also has lots of Omega-3s.


Ginger contains numerous antioxidants and other immune-boosting nutrients. Consider using ginger and wasabi, which usually form the brown and green sides of the standard sushi plate.

Don’t forget to eat these garnishes to get the most out of their nutritional content. The antioxidants found in ginger are even known to counteract cancer cells.